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vim 选择模式 复制

vim 选择模式 复制


In Vim editor, there are several methods to copy text: 1. Using the y command: The text to be copied needs to be selected first, then press the y key. For example, to copy the current line, move the cursor to that line and press yy.


Vimdiff is a mode in Vim editor used to compare the differences between two files. Here is the basic usage of Vimdiff: Start Vimdiff by entering \"vimdiff FILE_LEFT FILE_RIGHT\" in the command line.


Vim batch commenting with block selection #1. Block Selection Mode [Ctrl v] Enter block selection mode, then [move the cursor] to select the lines you want to comment, and then [press I] to enter the line insert mode [enter the comment symbol] like // or #, enter.


Try clicking on tools--uncheck Vim emulator. PyCharm supports Vim editor mode, if the Vim emulator is checked, CTRL C is not copy, CTRL V is not paste. Hope this can help you.


1. First, set the .vimrc in the home directory: to implement copying with xw in V mode and pasting with xr if has("unix") nmap xr :r $HOME/.vimxfer [xxx@xxx].


Once you know how to copy content to the clipboard with \"y, there shouldn\'t be any problem. In normal mode, press v to enter visual mode, select the content you want to copy, then press \"y three keys to copy the content to the system clipboard.

Vim 模式VIM有哪些模式

Vim editor can be divided into 3 modes: command mode, insert mode, and last line mode. The image below shows the various modes of Vim and their transitions.


Vim is a powerful text editor commonly used in Linux and Unix systems. Here are some common usage methods of Vim commands: 1. Launch Vim: Enter the `vim` command in the terminal, followed by the file name, to start Vim and open.


You can use shortcuts to achieve su pinpoint paste because su pinpoint paste is a command in Vim, which can be achieved with shortcuts. In insert mode, first press Ctrl o, then enter :pu, to paste the contents from the register to the cursor.


Yes, you can paste copied text from Word, txt, or other documents into Vim. After copying the text in another document, return to Vim, and type \": p\" to paste it. The answer above is correct, * is the system clipboard where the copied content is stored, and \"* p\" can be used.